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CSS Value: Color

Color values used with properties such as color and background-color.

A color value can take one of several forms:

Value Description Example
# Hexadecimal red-green-blue.
Can be six or three hexadecimal digits (0 to F).
Using six digits, the first two specify the amount of red, second two the amount of green, and third two the amount of blue.
The three-digit form is a shortened notation with the first digit red, second green, and thrid blue.
p { color: #ff0000 }
/* is the same as... */
p { color: #f00 }
/* (full red) */
rgb() Functional red-green-blue.
Contains three comma-separated values, each from 0 to 255 or 0% to 100%. The first specifies the amount of red, second amount of green, and thrid amount of blue.
body { background: rgb(0,127,0) }
/* is the same as... */
body { background: rgb(0%,50%,0%) }
/* (middle green) */
rgba() Functional red-green-blue with alpha.
As Functional RGB, with an additional value, from 0 to 1, which specifies transparency. 0 is full transparency, 1 is solid, 0.3 is 30% solid, etc.
h1 { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8) }
/* (slightly transparent black) */
hsl() Hue-saturation-lightness.
Contains three comma-separated values.
The first value, hue, is from 0 to 360, or 0% to 100%, and represents an angle on the color circle. 0 (or 360) is red, 120 is green, 240 is blue, etc.
The second value, saturation, is from 0% (full desaturation) to 100% (full saturation).
The third value, lightness, is from 0% (black) to 100% (white).
p { color: hsl(240,100%,75%) }
/* (pale blue) */
hsla() Hue-saturation-lightness with alpha.
As Hue-saturation-lightness, with an additional value, from 0 to 1, which specifies transparency. 0 is full transparency, 1 is solid, 0.7 is 70% solid, etc.
h1 { background: hsla(0,0%,100%,0.1) }
/* (very transparent white) */
transparent Transparent. .alt { backround: transparent }
black Black keyword.
Equivalent of #000000 / rgb(0,0,0)
p { color: black }
silver Silver keyword.
Equivalent of #c0c0c0 / rgb(192,192,192)
p { color: silver }
gray Gray keyword.
Equivalent of #808080 / rgb(128,128,128)
p { color: gray }
white White keyword.
Equivalent of #ffffff / rgb(255,255,255)
p { color: white }
maroon Maroon keyword.
Equivalent of #800000 / rgb(128,0,0)
p { color: maroon }
red Red keyword.
Equivalent of #ff0000 / rgb(255,0,0)
p { color: red }
purple Purple keyword.
Equivalent of #800080 / rgb(128,0,128)
p { color: purple }
fuchsia Fuchsia keyword.
Equivalent of #ff00ff / rgb(255,0,255)
p { color: fuchsia }
green Green keyword.
Equivalent of #008000 / rgb(0,128,0)
p { color: green }
lime Lime keyword.
Equivalent of #00ff00 / rgb(0,255,0)
p { color: lime }
olive Olive keyword.
Equivalent of #808000 / rgb(128,128,0)
p { color: olive }
yellow Yellow keyword.
Equivalent of #ffff00 / rgb(255,255,0)
p { color: yellow }
navy Navy keyword.
Equivalent of #000080 / rgb(0,0,128)
p { color: navy }
blue Blue keyword.
Equivalent of #0000ff / rgb(0,0,255)
p { color: blue }
teal Teal keyword.
Equivalent of #008080 / rgb(0,128,128)
p { color: teal }
aqua Aqua keyword.
Equivalent of #00ffff / rgb(0,255,255)
p { color: aqua }