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CSS Property: display

The fundamental display characteristics of a box.

display: inline
display: block

Possible Values

noneNo display at all — pulls a box out of the flow of a layout and renders it invisible. Poof. As if it never existed.
inlineAn inline box — behaves like the default styling of inline HTMl elements such as em or span.
blockA block box — behaves like the default styling of block HTMl elements such as p or div.
inline-blockActs as an inline box (fits into the flow of a line of text) with certain features of a block box (accepts vertical dimensions and margings, etc.).
list-itemThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML li element.
tableA block-level table — the equivalent of the default styling of the HTML table element.
inline-tableAn inline-level table.
table-row-groupThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML tbody element.
table-header-groupThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML thead element.
table-footer-groupThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML tfoot element.
table-rowThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML tr element.
table-column-groupThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML colgroup element.
table-columnThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML col element.
table-cellThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML td or th elements.
table-captionThe equivalent of the default styling of the HTML caption element.


.darwin { display: block; }

.lamarck { display: none; }

.linnaeus { display: table; }

Browser support